Mooring Fees

by Cleghorn Admin on April 18, 2021

Hi Folks,

At our fall board meeting a number of fees were reviewed and some were increased. There’s a link on the sidebar on the right side that will take you to our current fee list. In particular, the fees for our secondary moorings were increased. The cost is now $350 if the secondary mooring is on your dock and $650 if you are using someone elses dock.

Nobody wants to see fees increase and there is an understandable desire for fees to stay the same forever, but this was needed to compensate for 16 years of inflation. The amount of the increase was slightly less than the total amount of inflation since 2005. The choice in raising fees was to pull the band-aid off quickly in one year or slowly with 2 or 3 years of rate increases. We choose to pull it off quickly.

Part of the reason for the increase was to bring the compensation for sharing a dock back to where it was originally. Matching dock owners willing to share a dock with mooring users works much better when the rates stay current. When rates fall, it becomes harder to find folks willing to share. Eventually, without an increase, it starts looking like grandma offering a quarter to the paperboy for Christmas.

There have been a few comments about the moorings fees and everyone’s wish that we had more boat slots is understandable. Yet the bottom line issue is how to equitably share a limited resource. We could rotate the secondary slots, every third year a resident gets a secondary spot for the summer. However most people prefer the continuity that our current system offers. Fees help us find the folks that get the most benefit from those few moorings and also benefit nonusers since the fees go to the good of Camp as a whole. Anyone that has questions on this or suggestions for better system, please stop by and we can chat.

Glenn Block

Dock Chair


2021 Camp Cleghorn Activities Schedule

by Cleghorn Admin on April 18, 2020

Camp Cleghorn 2021 Events

Board MeetingSaturday, April, 24th9:00 am
Camp Clean-upCamp Cleanup9:00 am
1st Church ServiceJuly 11th9:15 am
Annual MeetingSaturday, July 17th10:00 AM
Last Church ServiceSept 5th9:15 am
Food Pantry CollectionSept 5th9:15 am
Hearty Soup SupperSept 5th6:00 pm
Women’s AuxiliarySept 6th9:30 am
Board MeetingSept 12th1:00 pm

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Notes from the Dock Committee

by Cleghorn Admin on April 27, 2018

Hi folks,

I know it’s not quite summer. 29 inches of snow kind of proves the point, but we have a few things to share from the dock committee. First off, we have had a number of folks suggest that we identify the docks a bit better, so that other campers and guests do not inadvertently use the wrong dock. While long time residents do not have a problem, there are many others including workers and marina delivery folks who would greatly appreciate better identification.

What we plan to do is to identify each dock by stenciling in the dock the owners’ last name to be clearly visible to anyone walking onto the dock. If you have concerns, wish to do it yourself, or would like minor changes to the stenciling, please contact me at before labor day weekend. Put “Cleghorn Dock Identification” in the subject line so I do not miss it. We will work on this project once the temperatures are warm enough to paint and should be done mid-summer.

The second item is the dock rules which we have attached. They are also posted on the members portion of the camp website – look under the “camp rules” tab then select “mooring rules.” It would be wonderful if we had unlimited mooring spots. However, the reality is that the DNR grants us only 62 moorings which means that we have to make the best of what we are allowed.

Because of those limits, the bottom line is mooring spaces are only allowed to be used by camp and mobile home residents. Every cottage owner gets one guaranteed spot and secondary spaces are limited. Last fall one of our rules was clarified (see rule 5C) to help ensure that mooring spaces benefit residents and not renters. The rule has always stated that a cottage being rented does not qualify for a secondary mooring.

In keeping with that principle, we have made it explicit that this applies to short term rentals. If you rent your cottage long or short term – the renter may use your primary mooring and if you have a secondary mooring as some owners with short term renters do; it should be not be used when the renter has their boat at the cottages’ primary mooring.

Please let someone on the dock committee know before you have a renter use your primary mooring space. We do monitor mooring usage to keep the camp within the limits of our agreement with the DNR and appreciate your assistance.

And finally, all secondary moorings are in use this year. We are maxed out and will not be accepting any other applications until next year.

The Dock Committee


Important Camp Dates for 2016

by Cleghorn Admin on May 4, 2016

Camp Cleghorn 2016 Events

Event Date Time
Board Meeting Saturday, April, 30th 9:00 am
Spring Cleanup Sunday, May 29th 9:00 am
Hearty Soup Supper Sunday, May 29th 6:00 pm
Ladies Meeting Monday, May 30th 9:30 am
1st Church Service Sunday, June 5th 9:15 am
Food Bank Sunday Sunday, July 3rd 9:15 am
Annual Meeting Saturday, July 16th 10:00 am
Ice Cream Social Saturday, August 20th 7:00 pm
Last Church Service Sunday, September 4th 9:15 am
Hearty Soup Supper Sunday, September 4th 6:00 pm
Ladies Meeting Monday, September 5th 9:30 am
Board Meeting Saturday, September 24th 9:00 am


2016 – Welcome Back

May 4, 2016

To improve Camp’s appeal through the winter and to avoid the overflowing trash cans seen in past winters, garbage pickup has continued through the winter with a reduced number of containers. (every other can – 15 of 30) Full summer pickup will start in the middle of May. At that point all trash cans should […]

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Lock your Cars

July 25, 2015

There have been a couple reports of miserable low-life varmints going through unlocked cars and taking valuables.  We’re not in Mayberry, so please remember to lock your car.

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Welcome back

May 7, 2015

Trash pickup starts today.  Please remember the container down by the baseball field is for recyclables only. Also due to the early onset of Memorial Day which always coincides with a late Labor Day, this summer has the most days between the two holidays.  So make sure to spend that extra time out on the […]

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Camp Schedule 2013

May 8, 2013

Camp Cleghorn 2013 Events Event Date Time Board Meeting Saturday, May 11 9:00 am Spring Cleanup Sunday, May 26 9:00 am Ladies Meeting Monday, May 27 9:30 am 1st Church Service Sunday, June 2 9:15 am Annual Meeting Saturday, July 21 10:00 am Food Bank Sunday Sunday, August 4 9:15 am Last Church Service Sunday, […]

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Boat Registration – Important Update

February 28, 2012

Please note that important changes have been made to the annual boat registration. For details please click on the following letter from the dock committee. click here to read Also please remember that registration or mooring changes are still due before March 31th.

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Camp Schedule 2012

September 24, 2011

Camp Cleghorn 2012 Events Event Date Time Spring Cleanup Sunday, May 27 9:00 am Board Meeting Saturday, May 19 9:00 am Spring Cleanup Sunday, May 27 9:00 am Hearty Soup Supper Sunday, May 27 6:00 pm Ladies Meeting Monday, May 28 9:30 am 1st Church Service Sunday, June 3 9:15 am Bake Sale Sunday, July […]

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